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Kickstarter? Act 1 - Day 1 News

An Onymus - Perhaps One Day
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hello, everyone! I come with great news: The first day of Act 1 is officially finished!

Now that it's September, I'm focusing on a lot of things: college, personal life stuff, might be moving out soon? Lots and lots of difficulties, which are making the game progress go a little slower, but I'm not going to stop working, oh no!
Well, kinda.

I decided that, until the end of the year comes, I might try to relax a little - I have released the prologue this year, I can take a little break, besides, working on my own while also balancing every single thing takes time and patience! - So, I realized that I might just take a little break from developing. Not only for myself but also for the game itself, I want it to shine with it's best potential, don't want to rush anything.

This does NOT mean I will stop working on AOs, though! This extra time will be focused on finishing new sprites, locations, advertising everywhere I can - you bet I'll be working even if there'll be no writing! As a tease, I might even release an updated version with the first day, just for everyone to play before Act 1 is officially finished.

I might also start a kickstarter? Maybe if our audience grows, we can turn this project into something bigger? I don't want to get ahead of myself though, I am a newbie with everything and I just want to have my silly game finished. But maybe we can have official music of something? That's just me dreaming, though.

So yeah! Long story short, I'll be taking a break since Act 1 Day 1 is finished to work on polishing the dialogue, doing sprites and backgrounds, advertising the game everywhere I can (because Twitter is gone for us Brazilians, R.I.P) and if everything goes smooth, maybe even a kickstarter? Those are the news for this month, maybe I'll come by in the middle of September with something new, I dunno.

For now, I'm out! Hope you all have a fantastic day, see you at the end of the month with hopefully even better news! :]

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