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Ignorance and Scrutiny - V 0.6

HELP!!! I Got Lost and Found A VILLAGE That's Full of... MONSTERS!
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

EDIT: Uploaded 0.6.2, which fixes small grammatical errors and small QOL on mobile.


As mentioned in the previous devlog and answering questions from impatient commenters...., this update took a lot of our time and required more dedication from both DaSinBun and me since we added more LORE! We now enter Chapter 3, which expands the story of the Village, the Scrivener, and True Wyverians. 

This update contains scenes that may not be suitable for all audiences. Of course, we cannot really stop underaged or foolish children from clicking the "I am 18+" button, but please be responsible. If you're at least 18, go nuts! Now here are the things we added/changed:

  • Custom music for all seven main characters (Which you can download here too!)
  • Two sets of CGs per character, but they are all similar (take that as you will)
  • Some additional music tracks from Dova Music, which you can check in the credits section
  • Added a few bad endings (One of which is really dark... so good luck)
  • New gameplay (Might be difficult, so save often)
  • Chapter 3 added and finished (Tho we might add another day next update before entering Chapter 4)
  • Five new days expanding the overall LORE! (Up to the end of Day 18)
  • A handful of references for whiplash
  • New "sprites"
  • Introduced a few new characters, three are important to the story moving forward
  • Updated Elder's House interior
  • Updated Hopkeeper Logo and warning (Due to topics in Chapter 3)
  • Some grammar corrections on the previous days 

We want to deliver the story here in a more fun and quirky way, and we originally thought blah blah blah words might lose the interest of people. so we added some gameplay and even references to explain the situation. Since we are now entering the village's climax, the next update will hopefully be available before the year ends or by January of next year. We thank you for everyone's patience and support, as always <3 Please continue to support and follow the development of Monster Village since we are still at 0.6!

Of course, please expect some grammatical errors here and there, but if bugs do occur, please let us know here in this devlog. Be sure to use new save files before reporting a bug since the error is usually caused by a change in coding. We changed a few parts here and there. 

Merry Christmas, everyone!!

PS. Please do not spoil the update once you played. I am not afraid to ban if you spoil without any spoiler tags.
PPS. Please don't give us one stars after playing the update :')

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