Posted April 30, 2019 by Adam Waind
#update #demo #rpg #story #pixel
Thanks everyone for the feedback regarding the first demo!
Here is a list of changes/fixes that are implemented in demo v2:
The font has been changed to be more readable . While the old font looked better, deep research and critical feedback and has swayed me into deciding to prioritize accessibility. For a game based on immersion, I want to maintain that immersion, as well as have as many people as possible be able to enjoy the game.
The original tutorial was just a bunch of scrolls that dumped information on the player. I felt this was an incorrect approach , so I corrected this by making an interactive tutorial for battle. This should be much more fluid and intuitive for players to learn while actually performing the actions and seeing the results (It's also skippable).
With the release of the 2nd (and final) version of the demo, it's onto finishing the cut-scenes, credits and prep for the commercial release on steam (official trailer coming soon)!
Again, thank you to those who gave feedback!
Demo version 2 is now available for download!