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Interood Unlim 0.23 is out!

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

There were quite a lot of changes I made in just two hours, apparently something makes me more productive at night xD
Or maybe this update is just full of bugs that I can't see yet because of yes

  • Support for saving and loading worlds into separate files, for example if you want to send it to someone
  • Save slots are now sorted by date
  • Fixed a bug where you could override an existing world by entering the same name
  • Added a save button as pressing Enter was not so intuitive
  • Some team panel and actions fixes
  • Left shift will not move to player if left control pressed (to prevent camera moving when taking a screenshot using Control+Shift+S on Windows)
  • rip player uuid in char description


  • Interood Unlim 0.23 35 MB
    23 days ago
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