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I've been thinking about this a lot and it is with regret that I'm announcing that I am suspending this project. I want to stress that I am NOT cancelling it or stopping development altogether. As I sat at my keyboard ready to begin writing content for Selene I found myself suddenly daunted by the sheer volume of work that I had set for myself. I was afraid of this happening when I began this project - that I would get overly ambitious about it - and I guess that turned out to be true. As I said - I am not abandoning the project. However, I am going to take some time to reassess and rescope the project. Perhaps using a different platform than Twine. Its very easy to develop for (relatively speaking) but being purely text based its incredibly intensive to write for - at least the way I want to do it. And I don't want to do this half-heartedly. Its been intense, and for the most part, enjoyable developing this game so far. I hope every one has enjoyed it until now, and I hope will again some day if/when I come back to it. Or what grows out of this first attempt at making a game. 

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