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Mini Update

Mini update - added some screens. I'll be uploading some more detail tomorrow when I have time. Long story short - you'll soon be able to choose from 4 different art styles within the game. I've been hard at work on that instead of actual new content. I feel like I should apologise for that - but honestly, I really like the new art styles. When I'm finished with tweaking the images I'll be uploading optional style packs so you can pick and choose what style you want to use. Or mix and match depending on what style you like best for each character. Full instructions will come with the packs. The screens depict all characters at stage 3 development. Thalion you might note is the same for Original and Realism style  (and not particularly realistic at that) - that's because I only made him when I was doing this style for the other characters. Thorne in particular has changed quite a bit in the 2 new styles - a bit closer to what I had originally envisioned when designing the character.

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