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Devlog 1

ShaderShift Puzzle
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

This is likely the last devlog for ShaderShift Puzzle because the project is finally complete! I’ve added a lot of new sounds and music, squashed some bugs, and optimized the game to run incredibly smoothly. After presenting it at my college and sharing it with others, I’m thrilled to say that I didn’t receive any negative feedback. I was hoping for some critique to push it even further, but it seems I’ve already reached a near-perfect state. This has been one of my best projects yet, and I’m proud of what I’ve learned along the way. I’ll be uploading the final build soon.

This was ShaderShift Puzzle—interactive shaders and AIs by Tamas Illes.


  • 405 MB
    38 days ago
  • 569 MB
    38 days ago
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