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Test Version

Investor Empire
A browser Investor Empire made in HTML5

Version 0.5 Test Version
General Information
Not a complete version of the game. This version was uploaded to test the posting process and verify compatibility.  Minimal in-game feedback is present in the game currently. UI is not currently portioned properly due to the conversion, but UI navigation is still possible. 
Category Description of Changes/Updates
Contacts 1st (Top-left) contact is functional with ability to force the entire stock market to crash (market recovers quickly)
Skills All skills are function, though the UI colors may perform weird - but no skill points available, so skills are not used
Day Jobs All day jobs are functional with their own leveling up system, specific for that mini-game
Stock Exchange Currently (3) Indexes that offer (3) each (total of 9 stocks). Buy/sell is available, historical values not visible in UI
Loans Loans are functional, but player will be unable to use them do to set player level
Taxes Ability to pay taxes is available. UI to set payments to "autopay" not present in this version
Study Education is active and all classes available to complete. Completion costs and times are minimal for this version. Minimal feedback showing course completion
A Few Upcoming Features
More functional contacts (perks included) Certificate of Deposits
Class costs, completion times, completion experience Ability to take out loans and pay them off
Player leveling up with skill point implementation Slightly improved Day Job UI…SLIGHTLY


  • Project Investor V1 - OLD 8.6 MB
    Apr 27, 2019
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