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Plain text version of Tales from the Camp now available!

Hello friends!

I have two quick updates to Tales from the Camp to share.

  1.  There is now a plain text version of the game available in addition to the full color version with all the graphics.
  2.  I've re-uploaded the full color version. The original file had a couple of typos that I'd missed in my haste to publish. Those have now been fixed. If you have the earlier version, no worries; the changes are tiny and don't affect gameplay. (They were just incredibly embarrassing for me as an editor.)

Happy gaming!


  • Tales from the Camp plain text version.pdf 139 kB
    31 days ago
  • Tales from the Camp full color version.pdf 16 MB
    31 days ago
Download Tales from the Camp: A Tarot-based Storytelling Game for 1-3 Players
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