is community of indie game creators and players


V3.0: Sights and Sounds

Fall Nacht
A browser Propaganda made in HTML5

Update 3.0 Changelog


- Added new effects for winning and losing

- Added a new start screen with very shiny buttons

- Added menu music

- Added a health bar for Stalin

General Changes

- Added option to use W/S keys to move

- Holding down space now shoots a big shot

- Added button to toggle music

- The shield is now destroyable

Balance Changes

- Moved player slightly closer to the center

- shots are now rate limited to 7.5/s

- Easy mode: Slightly increased stalin's fire rate (1.33/s -> 2/s)

- Tank projectiles now have a consistent spacing across all modes

- Number of tank projectiles decreased by 5

- Time between tank shots increased by 50%

- Increased time for tank to start shooting by 3x

- Normal mode: Tanks can now respawn

- Hard mode: Tank health increased to 30


- Fixed enemy projectiles not rotating about its center

- Stalin's first shot should now be consistent with his firerate


  • 8 MB
    Aug 15, 2024