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0.1.15 coming soon!

Network Euphoria
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello Everyone! I just wanna give a quick update for those who haven't been hanging out in the discord.

0.1.15 will be finished some time in the coming weeks!

I really wanted 0.1.15 to come out only a month or 2 after the previous update, but a number of real life complications occurred that I had to solve before I got to get back to the grindstone of Euph's development.


soon after I solved said issues (as well as finishing a build of the game for Steam approval) I began to network with a number of very talented visual and musical artists who are now assisting me in the game's development!

Look out on my twitter and the game's credits for the names of people I'm commissioning/collaborating with as their assets are implemented into builds of the game.

I'm really really really hoping that soon after if not immediately after 0.1.15, now that a lot of development stuff behind the curtains has been solved and setup.  We can finally start pushing out updates at a more reasonable pace, especially now that I have easy access for assistance in every aspect of Network Euphoria's development.

Attached is a new character tease alongside the previous one.

I also attached some emojis I made in my spare time.

(I've done a lot more artwork than just this btw, this is just what I can show that's pretty interesting without spoiling too much :0 )

Anywho, thank you for your time!

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