is community of indie game creators and players


GenCon Playtests! More coming soon!

Mörk Sol
A downloadable game

Howdy Scavs! Welcome to the first Mörk Sol missive. I’m going to be posting semi-frequent updates about the project as it moves forward.

This is a very special inaugural post because I’ve officially playtested the game! Matt and I ran 3 total sessions of Mörk Sol and have lots of notes (and work to do!). Overall the reception was great and we have a ton of awesome places to explore moving forward.

I’ve added the printable copy of the GenCon Ashcan PDF to the main downloads of the game and I’ll be getting the PDF version up soon! This version is 100% free and I’d love if you checked it out and ran a few sessions.

If you have notes, questions, concerns or anything else, you can check out our Discord server here!


  • GenCon Ashcan (Printable) 7.2 MB
    37 days ago
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