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Progress Update # 4 for v0.04

Back to the Past - NSFW Family Guy Parody
A downloadable Game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hey y'all! Happy Friday!

This week has been a little nuts with everything going on, haha. But! I was finally able to get a concrete roadmap for what is left before the release of v0.04! First, here is what I was able to get done this week:

  • Got the first draft of the Lois voice acting (just for chapter one)
    • Also went back to fix the scenes associated with the voice acting
  • Finished the first background for pLace (bonus points if you know what this place references!)
  • Finished Connie house background, and connie phone scene with Stu (both are backgrounds)
  • Finished all possible text conversations with Lois
  • And as promised, I was able to finish off the entirety of the Lois bathroom scene (with a small spoiler within the text message pictures)

Now, the concrete roadmap for the rest of this release. Here is what I have to do before I release:

  • Lois posing scene before going on date (in progress) - 1/2 week
  • Dancing scene with Lois - 2-3 days
  • Kissing scene with Lois - 1-2 days
  • Lois scene after going on the date (more sexual in nature) - 1 week
  • Lois in dress character model - 1-2 days
  • Inside of pLace as a background - 1 full day
  • Adding in all the revised voice lines for chapter one into the game - 1 full day
  • Story for chapter 4 - 1-2 weeks

Even though this seems like a lot, ideally I can speed up the process by reusing some of the lineart from previous scenes in the game (so that I don't spend too much time coming up with a rough draft). So adding up all of the time estimates, we are looking at 2.5 weeks to 3 weeks left for all the artwork in the game and an additional 1-2 weeks for the story. so roughly 3-4 weeks from now is when I anticipate the next release to come out.

So given these updates, I'm sure all of you can assume I decided to go with an additional date scene for Lois. I did this specifically because I believe it would fit the story beats a lot better, given the pacing I have for the story so far.

In terms of updates, I am pretty clear on what I need to do, and I have a good gameplan (plus good references) to tackle the following scenes. I also added a small snippet of the voice acting for you all, click here (at the bottom of the patreon post) or here to check it out! I'll have a poll once the game releases to see how you all feel about the voice acting. That's about it from me for now, I'm going to dive back into working on the game!

Once again, thanks for supporting me! Hope y'all have a great weekend!

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