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V3 Major Update

Lucid Dream
A downloadable game for Windows
Major Update:


⦁    Some FMOD sound events accidently stopped working when they were switched from 2D to 3D. This was a mistake on my part and they are now correctly playing again.

⦁    There should now be more sound effects, and better attenuation of physical sound effects.

⦁    Dynamic footsteps are a thing now, currently implemented for wood and grass surfaces.

⦁    "Fail ability" sound now plays at certain locations where you try to interact, such as the castle walls, or when you try to use your powers when your lucidity meter is too low.


⦁    Basket items are now correctly socketed inside the basket when they are picked up, and when you have collected all the items, the whole basket should be handed over to Walter should be handed over to Walter the Bear.


⦁    Walter the Bear and the Big Sad Jelly should now correctly move out of the way when you've completed their quest.


⦁    Ivy now correctly has her eyes open during game play, with the occasional blink. You might have never noticed this.

⦁    Finn and Sad Jelly's 3D model's faces now correctly transition at significant times. There isn't a one-to-one correlation, but they are now more in line with their 2D portraits.

Visual Feedback:


Future Updates:

⦁    Time dilation ability: This ability currently exists, and you can test it out by holding 'T', but in an upcoming version, there will be a special item that let's you do this ability, and obstacles that require you to use it.

⦁    Jelly mechanic: Currently you have to press 'E' to hook onto the jellies. This will be simplified.

⦁    New areas and puzzles: In particular, the city area has some work to be done. Stay tuned.

⦁    Controller Support

⦁    Passive Dialouge System

⦁    Vincent Behaviour: It's in the plan that vincent should follow you, sniff out and carry your stick for you. He actually already has the baility to follow you, but somehow spawning him in interupts this. I'll be looking into that.


  • Windows Beta V3 (Latest Verson) 478 MB
    43 days ago
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