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Stage 1.0 Finished!

Barkley 2 - Godot Port
A browser game made in HTML5

After a log time, Stage 1.0 is complete. Character Creation (CC) is fully playable. Its not an exact duplicate of the original, but close enough.

Some differences are:

  • Gumball animation is shoddy
  • "Portal" effect (like the Gumball backdrop) is very different
  • Crest section is very different. The original one was terrible and difficult to port.
  • Tarot section has the Babe in the woods card. It was disabled in the original for some reason.
  • Likes and Favorites section have an extra option disabled in the original.
  • Save functionally is slightly different. enough that the Godot port saves cannot be used on the original (but the opposite can be used).

Finally, a new room (r_wip) was created as a catch all. It displays a WIP message and warps back to the title screen.

This version was base using Godot 4.2. the next stage will use Godot 4.3 RC1.


  • 116 MB
    49 days ago
  • 101 MB
    49 days ago
Download Barkley 2 - Godot Port
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