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Progress Update #12

Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate
A browser Ultimate BFNS made in HTML5

Hello, and welcome to the 12th progress update of Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate! I'll being talking about more progress made on the improved Floor Builder for the upcoming Beta 1 update, along with a look at a new intro and redone Computer Lab. I hope you'll enjoy hearing what I have to say, and now it's progress update time!

Select Your Variants!

To start this progress update off, I'll begin by bringing up something I recently added to the Floor Builder, which are object variants! Rather than each chalkboard having it's own object entry in the decor category, for example, there's now only one chalkboard entry in the category, and opening that up will now open a variant selector window from which all of the variants of a chalkboard can be selected from.

With this change, it means all variants of a particular object can be under a single object entry in the category, rather than each variant of an object having it's own entry in the category. 

Ever wanted to offset an object before placing it? Well, with this next addition, you'll be able to do that!

Offset Your Objects!

Mentioned at the end of the last progress update, a collapsible offset window has now been fully implemented into the Floor Builder! It is only accessible while in certain categories where object offsets can be applied, and lets you offset the position of an object you are planning on placing, which will be great for players who want to place an object in a specific location. And there's 2 ways the offset can be changed.

The first way is by entering a number into the field next to an offset slider, which will adjust the slider accordingly, and the second way is by dragging one of the offset sliders, which will change the number in the field next to that particular offset slider. The top offset slider and field is for adjusting the X position (left and right), the second is for the Y position (up and down), and the third is for the Z position (forward and backward).

Now, onto the new intro that has been added!

Welcome To The Fun Schoolhouse!

Something else I've been working on is a new intro for Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate, that will appear when you start playing. Compared to the "classroom" intro in the alpha versions, this intro takes a slightly different approach. You first start on a "best experienced with headphones" screen, followed by going up to the outside of the Fun Schoolhouse.

Also, like before, you can skip the intro, and once reaching the outside of the school, you just press an input to enter the school, which will send you to the redone Computer Lab. However, if you decide to wait instead, you'll see Baldi or Joe periodically show up in a bus and do something, which I think will help make the intro feel less static and more interesting compared to the intro in the alpha versions.

Speaking of the Computer Lab...

The Redone Computer Lab!

A few weeks ago, I did a development stream where I worked on a redone Computer Lab. Since then, I've added some animations when switching between certain screens along with a small version number in the bottom left of the screen that appears while you are on the account selection screen.

As for the accounts, they are now more similar to what they were like in the Alpha 6 2 Floor Demo's Accountanator. They display the player's name, last played date, and progress completed in Story Mode. You'll also be able to have up to 8 accounts a time, which means if you play Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate on the same device as other players, every one could have a separate account for their progress instead of sharing a single one!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this progress update, and thanks to everyone who has contributed, given suggestions, and has helped me out with the development of Baldi's Fun New School Ultimate. See you in the next one, which I'll be posting on August 15th, 2024 at approximately 12 PM EST! 8 PM EST!

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