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Game mechanics in place and Android beta is out

Game play mechanics 
After testing with different game mechanics I've come to the conclusion that fuel was more logical and that you also need to refuel at gas stations instead of collecting coins along the way.  This provides a stress for the player that they must speed up to reach the next gas station before they run out of fuel. The gas station also requires you to reduce your speed to get a full tank which is a nice way of pacing the game. 
Coins is  the in game currency and you collect them as you drive along. I need to tweak how many coins you get as it feels a bit to low at the moment. 

I've also added events that can occur and right now traffic jam is the only one that works. With traffic jams the player is forced to either go off road or cruise between the cars. This also changes the pacing of the game is a nice way to get it to feel more alive. 

There is a new level included which is a 4 lane desert highway, actually this is the only level that you can play now. 

With these optimizations the game runs at between 40-60 fps on my Samsung S3 which is more than enough for me. 

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  • PixelDriver_PC 12 MB
    Aug 16, 2017
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