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Pulled By Strings: First build release!

Pulled by Strings
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Well, after an eight day delay and significantly more work than I was expecting, the first build is finally here.

If you are interested - I'd suggest reading the 2 devlogs as they provide a little insight into how the game is set up.

As for the vn itself, there's a lot to unpack. The first build contains:

- 14 character sprites, which took *a long* time to make.

- ~50k+, words.

- The entirety of the prologue and chapter 1, including the route selection.

So, it's a pretty massive first build, unfortunately due to budget there won't be any CGs. But maybe in the future there'll be some.

I'll also talk a little bit about how I'll handle updating this project:

- This is ultimately a passion project made by one person (for now.), work will probably be slowish but I hope to release updates every 2-3 months. I'm also a fairly indecisive person so expect me to go back and update old content a lot.

Chapter 2 won't also all be released at once - I'm currently aiming to get the first half chapter 2 for all routes out at once - but that can (and probably will) change at any time.

The good news however is that progress has already been made! Writing has already begun (At roughly ~7k works atm, which only contains common route content.)

Art wise, I've actually pre planned this well in advance and nearly everyone I'm planning on introducing in ch2 already has finished* (before finishing touches) art. There is only one character who hasn't gone past the sketch phase yet.

Otherwise, there isn't really much else to say other than if you do decide to play the vn - then thanks! This project took a lot to put together and it would mean a lot to me!


  • 397 MB
    58 days ago
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