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Sweet temptations appear by my side

Pencil coliseum
A downloadable coliseum

I must, my friend, admit my weakness before you. All the things I had planned for today, gone just because a little error. I spent most of the day watching some naruto.

Yeah, I know what are you thinking right now. Isn't naruto like a bazillion years old? Yep, it is. But I had not watched it yet, so I thought I might as well start now.

Besides, this does not mean that I did nothing. Now enemies drop things. You can restore your sanity and your health. You have even a nice little bar in the upper right corner of the screen, so you can know how much life you have left! Also, I implemented some stun mechanics. Oh, and I shall not forget about the bounds of the coliseum, which are now done.

And also, I will probably code a little bit more later in the night. I know pretty well what kind of enemies do I want. And I am even thinking of adding a boss at, like, round 10 or so. I have 10[1]  days left still, although due some appointments of mine, I probably wont be able to do anything from thursday on, so its like 3 days for me.

I call that an easy task.

Now, If you excuse me, I still have 490 episodes of naruto left to watch.


Editor's notes:

[1] I meant 5 ok? dont blame me for that. I have a cold.

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