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Spindlewheel v. 2.25 Major Update!

A downloadable tarot system

You didn't even know you were looking forward to this, but it's finally here: v2.25! If you found yourself enraptured by the cards but bounced off the rules, this is the update for you. This update features:

  • simple diagrammed outlines of card choreography
  • examples of play
  • expanded rules explanations
  • quality of life language tweaks, like changing "World" into "Setting"
  • grammar tweaks

The secrets of Spindlewheel are all revealed, including how to hack Spindlewheel which comprises the entire back-half of the pdf, so if you ever had questions, that's where to look for answers! If there's anything still burning that didn't get covered by the pdf, please feel free to drop a comment here or email me and I will be happy to answer it for you.

Thank you to Caro Asercion and Constellation Schulman for their expertise and editing help!


  • spindlewheel v225.pdf 8.1 MB
    68 days ago
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