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Game Jam V1 Release/Postmortem

The Depths of Xia'phas
A browser game made in HTML5

Depths by the numbers:

21 days

  • 71 scripts
  • 8 patches
  • 27 crafted items
  • 28 resources

what started as a game about collecting weird resources turned into a game where, well, I mean yeah that's what you do but I think it's become a lot more about the exploration aspect than I intended during ideation.

Lessons learned

  • level design is really hard!
  • need to do a better job of guiding towards the fun
  • baseline juice to make something fun (sfx, feedback) is not polish, it's mandatory
  • if something should be looked at, make it light up (or glow rainbow)

cut features/content include (either due to scope creep, or balancing a certification course and a full-time job - see if you can guess which is which!):

  • partner that you can find that follows you around, has a quest of their own you can help with, and has upgrades to help you find resources
  • action-roguelite upgrades that stack and last for the run
  • resource mimics that damage your lantern, reducing your time in the depths if you hit them
  • random resource spawns per area
  • 2 maps, randomly selected on load
  • 2 floors, with 2 maps on the second floor
  • home area is walkable, ui pops up as you approach various objects
  • cosmetic rewards for power gained
  • an hostile creature that gathers nodes near you and runs away when hit - if you defeat it, drops all your resources + bonuses
  • treasure chests
  • random loot bags
  • automaton partner you can craft
  • hazards like arrow traps, floor traps
  • each boot-blocker has unique effects, allowing you to navigate through some of them at a cost
  • home area song
  • final area song

if any of these sound fun to you, I'll work on them when I get a chance; Just let us know on our Discord! 

gonna be a few months before I can really dig into it again because another Summer Slow Jam is right around the corner!

next up: Random Generation! 


  • Depths of Xia'phas Web 16 MB
    Version 9
  • Depths of Xia'phas Desktop 43 MB
    Version 7
Download The Depths of Xia'phas
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