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Getting started on Apocalypse Personnel 2.0 (Devlog 0)

Apocalypse Personnel (game jam)
A browser game made in HTML5

It's been a fair bit longer then I intended, but I've officially started working on the complete version of Apocalypse Personnel. Not much to show just yet so I figured I'd Start off with a brief explanation of my plans for the project. 

First off, I'll keep making brief devlogs semi-regularly as I go, not sure how many people will be interested in reading them, but if nothing else they should hopefully help me stay on task. 

As for the game itself, while it will be a significant expansion on the jam version, I still plan to keep the scope relatively small (famous last words, I know), As my last non-jam project stretched into a several month long endeavor, and I wouldn't blame you if you couldn't tell it took that long. 

But enough negatives, what will I be doing for this game? Well, for starters I'll be remaking it from the ground up, sadly my messy game-jam code is not well-suited to expansion. After that, pretty much just more of everything, more towers, possibly more enemy variety, a whole lot more effort put into polishing the visuals, quality of life features, and difficulty. and a few extra features a didn't have time to add in the original, which I'll get into in future devlogs as I implement them. 

Speaking of which, I should probably get back to work, I'll plan on making another devlog in a week or so, so if you have feedback, I'd be glad to hear it

Download Apocalypse Personnel (game jam)
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