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Update v.0.03: A VISUAL LIFT-UP

Baba Yaga: Prologue
A browser game made in HTML5

Slayers, Decimators, and Gutters of Loyalist forces! A new update is here!

New visuals!

Updated effects not only look better, but also serve the purpose of visual feedback! Now it's easier to know which spell is selected, how long your Moon Shield lasts, which enemies are hit, and which enemies receive buffs from their companions!

  • Every spell received a visual uplift
  • Added 2D lighting system for better immersion
  • New attack and death animations
  • New effect for Barrier ability
  • Indication of selected spells that is connected to the spell's "element"
  • Indication of Moon Barrier effect and its breaking

New enemies!

Two more loyalists are after Baba Yaga’s hide!

A newly added Militia is a support/disruptor character that will protect their friends with a large shield! You can't target enemies behind the Militia, which will give quite a shake to your plans!

The second enemy is a vicious Fanatic, consumed by his holy wrath! Equipped with a giant axe, he wears only his faith as his armor. Watch out, as this enemy is fast, can endure a lot of damage, and increases his power with each bit of damage taken!

New enemies:

Spell changes:

The new spell opens up interesting strategies! It deals 3 damage every time the target takes any damage. Oh! And it STACKS! We will let you figure out how it works out against Militia ... and against Fanatics ... ;)

New spell: Devil's Mark

  • Cost: 2
  • Type: Spite
  • Damage: 3
  • Omits block, applies Torment. Torment: deal 3 direct damage whenever target takes damage.

Updated spell: Hell's Gate

  • changed name to Corrosion
  • changed spell icon

Other changes:

There are A LOT of changes behind the scenes. Most notably:

  • Added a Main Menu
  • Fixed crash when restarting a game
  • Changed wave composition for better variety between rounds
  • Small changes to certain spell costs/damage

Happy hunting, and stay tuned for further content updates!


  • 82 MB
    6 days ago
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