Version 0.08: Engine Upgrades and Code Overhaul!
Greetings, Aqualanders! Today, I have an update mostly related to backend stuff. I have focused on improving the existing code which has allowed me to fix bugs easier, remove a lot of dependencies, and overall improve performance marginally. Even with that focus, I also wanted to address a couple small issues I noticed during the code overhaul.
All changes are below.
- Overhauled much of the older code! This should now lead to less game-breaking bugs! (Remember, if you encounter a bug of any kind, please make sure to let me know!)
- Got rid of unused/outdated assets. This mostly includes old code and data but some old meshes and textures were also cut to save on space.
- Removed the emission from the light fixtures. You will no longer see the lightbulbs during blackouts/complete darkness.
- The game is now being built in Godot version 4.2.2! Meshes have been optimized accordingly.
- Increased Aronnax's aggression. He will now enter his patrol phase more often during the night.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Crusher would not jumpscare on a camera being lowered due to the power running out.
- Fixed a bug where the other animatronics were still active even during a jumpscare animation.
Remember- if you encounter any issues, please let me know! I will fix them as soon as I am able to do so!
Until next update, Aqualanders!