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Update 24.06.2024 - Project files

Sound Show
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Sound Show - Update June 24, 2024

Project File Enhancements

  • New File Format: Sound Show now uses a "Sound Show Project" (.ssp) file to store your configuration. This file can be saved anywhere on your disk. It is a readabale text file formatted in json.
  • Relative Paths: Projects now support relative paths for media, making it easier to share projects via USB keys or shared drives.
  • Menu Bar: A new menu bar has been added to the Sound Show interface, providing easy access to actions for opening, saving, and editing projects.
  • Automatic Conversion: Your previous library files will be automatically converted to the new project files.

Remote Communication Upgrade

  • WebSocket Technology: The communication method between Sound Show and Sound Show Remote has been upgraded from UDP to WebSocket, improving reliability across all networks and project sizes.
  • Update Required: Be sure to download the updated Sound Show Remote, as the old version is not compatible with the new Sound Show.

Free/Pro Version Changes

  • Category and Element Limits: The free version now limits users to 12 categories and 40 elements per category. Existing free users can of course continue using the older version if they want but will miss future updates.
  • Waveform Visualization: This feature is now available in the free version.

Video Unloading Fix

  • Memory Management: Fixed an issue where videos would not correctly unload, causing high RAM usage. Unloading videos after playback will now prevent this problem.

Fast Search

  • Keyboard Shortcut: A new keyboard shortcut (default is the "Home" key) has been added to quickly navigate to the search field within the search tab, enhancing search speed and efficiency.

Various Corrections and Improvements

  • Bug Fixes: Several small bugs and missing translations have been addressed.


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