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Multi-Lineage rules

Lineage Rules for TBD RPG
A downloadable table top rpg

Multi-Lineage Rules

When making a character you may want to add multiple traits from various Lineages, and you can do this. Maybe one of your parents was an Elf and the other a Gigas. You can take from both lists up to a total five traits to create you own unique character Lineage.

Further more, certain traits may even skip generations. Say both of your parents are Dwarves and you have your fathers eyes and your mothers nose, but you also got your grandfathers fangs. As your Grandfather was an Ogre.

You can add a single trait from another lineage as a recessive trait that skipped your parents but was passed onto you.


  • character sheet.pdf 78 kB
    11 days ago
  • Lineage.pdf 69 kB
    11 days ago
  • core rules.pdf 142 kB
    11 days ago
Download Lineage Rules for TBD RPG
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