is community of indie game creators and players


Update 6.5

A Sky of Stars: Scarlet Dusk
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello again!

Quick update to keep in touch with those who are interested. I've taken some time to edit (which in some cases meant rewriting things that absolutely did not make sense) and it's taken quite some time. Some of the editing is both time-consuming and repetitive, so there are days when I can barely get through a path without getting all confused.  The writer part of me is so happy about having written lots of things, but the editor part of me is dreading going through all of it ^^'

I had to take a week off because of work, and now I'm coming back to it to finish off the last third of editing and then we move on to writing again! All in all, I'd say that I'm about 60-ish % through the story, and I think we're at around 6 chapters so far. But per usual, here are the current stats:

858810 Characters
142728 Words
790 Passages
769 Links

I'm surprised they've changed so much since I'm "just" editing. I also need to do some dreaded coding to fix a few issues with the character screen that I found. And I need to make some changes to the character stats (as in doing actual math) and adjust the UI accordingly.

Anyways, that's all I have for right now. I hope you are having a nice morning/day/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are! Thanks for checking in!

- Hannah

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