is community of indie game creators and players


Progress Report

Fates Collide
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android


There is both lots and not lots to share in this new report.

So lets start with a big IRL news that will have an impact on the game itself.
I've moved out!
I've talked a bit about it before (especially on Discord), but it's finally official. I've managed to move out of my parents place this weekend. Of course, that brings some significant implications. First of all, that means I'm finally getting some freedom in my daily life (especially noticeable during summer), as I won't have tons of noise and interruptions by family nearby. The first weeks will take a bit to get adjusted too (hell I need to learn to cook 😂), but once those intro weeks are behind me, I expect to have my full focus on the game. Finally without friendly distractions, but distractions nonetheless.

The other important bit is the cost. There is no sugarcoating it, I'm currently earning less than my incoming monthly expenses for rent and monthly necessities/bills. Of course, I've known it will come to this (unless some wonder happened) so I've saved a decent bit on the side. This will keep me secured for many months of small monthly losses (at the current rate) so I'm in no danger financially at this stage.

I'm saying this mostly to once again show that I'm fully dedicated into Fates game, even though the rework is and will take a lot of time to be done right. And speaking of Fates...

It's been going well since last report. Of course, the last few days I've fully focused on the big move to the other city and the new place, but besides that, I've started working on the reworked Episode 2 renders. So since last report, we have 300 new renders done. I'm really happy with some of them as they'll better round up some of the lesser seen characters on screen, giving them better depth. Of course, I'll show them in the next sneak peeks ^^

Moreover, I the monthly wallpaper will be in the upcoming days. Tried to make it quickly, but I had some scene issues and ran out of them as I had to move out.

As always, thank you all for support, and see you in the next one.
Love you all, Kat <3

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