Coming Update: Options & Clarification
Hello! I have a new update in the works and I feel it would be good to inform everyone of what is in store.
- Unique Crit Fails for Tonics, Spells, and Rituals to spice up gameplay!
- The Weaver position is being reworked into a dybbuk specialist
- Some rituals have been tweaked into spells. As a result, there will be some new rituals to replace them. There have also been some new spells added. Tweaks across the board!
- Some of the rules are currently confusing as they are written, so there are several fixes in the works to clarify certain rules.
- The way certain mechanics are referred to are being made consistent. For example, damage types should be all capitalized in this next update.
- Melee weapons are being given techniques, which are special actions they can take, in order to give a better lineup of weapons. In the past, most people just looked at the damage die and called it a day.
- Armor will be given a tweak, especially in the way of making light armor feel more worth it.