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Devlog #1 Creation Card game

A downloadable game
For this project It took a while to decide what format of card game this game will be in. The choices were between 
  • A deck-construction game where a player comes in with a deck they have made.
  • A deck-builder game where the player starts with a small amount of cards and improves it.
  • Preconstructed deck game where all the cards were predetermined. 

As well as decisions on how the opponent interacts with the deck/decks, if they have and use their own or uses one universal deck. 

In the end it is decided the opponent will just show the “results” and have it be a challenge for the player to overcome. One part saving processing and one part making it easier to implement. 

The top card checking mechanic came after researching some TCGs and it was something I found interesting as it adds variance and randomness. But at the same time as the game goes on it becomes something the player can play around as they know the ratios inside the deck. 

Making it math based hopefully also leaves less work for my partner as it is easier to implement. 

It is also possible to implement additional effects on this top check idea, but for simplicity sake it will just be numbers adding, multiplying or set to 1 for now. 

The initial design where two cards combine into one, and only the combined result may have skills on it. During the card design it becomes apparent it is very difficult to make wildly different ingredient cards. This is also worrying for the playtesting as it may end up hard to balance. 

It might be a better idea to make some ingredients more alike instead further down the line. 

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