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Slut Seducer VR
A downloadable game

Wow a whole week without updates! Apologies, but I have been working on the game the whole time, or more specifically animations! I had originally planned to just make one animation but after all that work setting up the rig in Blender and how much I actually enjoy creating the animations I made 6! I thought that was a good amount until I realized I would need climax animations for each of these. So I quickly went from 1 animation to 12! I also need to create some idle animations, so perhaps 6 more, but those wont take much time. I have included a preview of the animations in the game, though this is on a model that hasn't had all the jiggly bits enabled so it should move a lot more lifelike especially the jiggle physics once they are enabled with the animations.

There are a few little awkward bends/rotations here and there that will need to be ironed out but the animations coupled with the physical interactions and puppet colliders should make for a very unique set of interactions that don't feel overly scripted. These versions in the video are lacking the head turn, voice/lipsync and such that the regular model has in the dialogue sequence but it wont take long to implement them in this model as well. I have several blend shapes for her vagina which is currently "not open for business" in the clip but that will be controlled by the player and how much/far they penetrate the NPC. In VR this will be quite easy to implement and feel quite "natural" or as natural an interaction as you can have with VR, the real challenge will be making it interesting and interactive for flatscreen.

I haven't played that many adult games so I am not sure what the best feeling interactions would be: Should they just drag and drop a dildo and have it snap into place and start animating? Should I allow the player to move the dildo with the mouse back and forth? Just allow the player to adjust the speed? Should it mimic as close to the VR version as possible being that the VR version is the default more immersive experience? I'm not sure what the best approach is, but if you have any recommendations for games to try that do this interaction well, I am all ears!

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