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Patch v0.6.3 released

Aira Force
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This patch contains a single fix:

- Fix: Support unlimited hunks

Previously there was a hard limit on the maximum number of hunks in an Amiga load module that were supported by Aira.  This was set to 32, which I thought would be big enough for any executable. However, it was brought to my attention that the Street Rod executable contains 68 hunks!  Usually the linker is configured to merge hunks of the same type, but I guess this is/was not always the case.

The reason this release is light on content is because my time has been spent configuring remote package builds. This is the first release with packages built remotely with GitHub Actions. Well, for Windows and Linux anyway.  There is still an unresolved issue with Mac package uploading, which I suspect is due to the DragNDrop package builder.

Remote package builds help to streamline the release process, and should allow me to be more responsive to any issues encountered. Hopefully the days of digging out my old Linux laptop and Macbook will soon be over. I should be able to release fixes when I am away from home with only my Windows 10 laptop. Having said that, I still have to manually test each release on each platform at this point. 


  • 2 MB
    Version 0.6.3
  • aira-force-mac.dmg 2.7 MB
    Version 0.6.3
  • aira-force-linux.tar.gz 2 MB
    Version 0.6.3
  • 1.8 MB
    Version 0.6.3
  • aira-force-linux.deb 2 MB
    Version 0.6.3
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