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Polishing continues...

Dreams of Joy Departed
A downloadable game for Windows

Content-wise all of chapter 1 is in there, I am now focusing on polishing, updating assets and fixing bugs. The game has received a big visual  overhaul at this point concerning almost all maps, some characters and quite a few of the enemies. 

I am also making the enemies a bit sharper, adding an additional move here and there and some forced actions to make them more interesting. Some enemy sprites have been completely replaced while others have been slightly improved, adding additional movement for instance. 

Other more subtle systems are in the work as part of the final polish of chapter 1. Fun value system is in place but gives to few output options at the moment. 

Tying phantasm to "sanity" in a way reminiscent of Eternal Darkness is in the works. At the moment I am putting in additional horror effects here and there, in time this will be tied to emptying your phantasm continuously, providing more connections between the gameplay and the story. 

3-4 weeks, give or take, and chapter 1 will be finished and work on chapter two can finally begin. I will do what I can to reduce the filesize... but do not expect too much. 


  • Demo 9.3 Polishing continues, any bugreports 1.6 GB
    May 24, 2024
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