Posted May 23, 2024 by Throns
Devlog for the game 'Into the Mist', a game project/assignment for KIT109.
This week, we added polish to the UI for the player health information and game turn (Figure. 1). To implement this, we utilized the canvas game object and added a script to change the text based on the health info script and game manager script which records the game state. Furthermore, we add a go back to menu button (Figure. 2). Implementing the back to menu button uses the button component. The KIT109 Tutorials code inspires the code for all UI and buttons.
We want to make many improvements, namely, a simple health bar for the enemy, UI for the item descriptions, extra details on the movement UI (range of enemies' attack), etc. Another thing I would like to add is a loading screen and a tutorial scene, where the user can learn all of the basic controls. As for alternative implementation, we could make the player health UI a heart UI.
I got many feedback and ideas from other people, and the feedback was mainly positive. However, some are insightful and might be able to make the game better:
Adding a description for items and enemies
I agree with adding extra descriptions for the items and enemies, as users need that information to make a good decision. To implement this, I would make a UI that pops up when a mouse is hovering over a particular item/enemy. We would surely implement this in the future if we have the time.
Adding sounds
Adding sound to the game is a significant enhancement. It not only makes the gameplay more immersive but also significantly boosts the fun factor.