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DevLog 5 - Production sprint 1 is done!

[Group07] Goblin Wars
A downloadable game for Windows

Hi everyone and welcome to our 5th devlog!

Sinds we started back from scratch last week we still had to fix a few things,  So we still didn't get to do some exciting new things. But our artist have a few nice new things. The meshes are starting to look very nice.

So this is what we did last week:

First of al we fixed a few bugs on the character and the siege. There where a few little occasions where the siege didn't do what we wanted to and we fix this as fast as possible.

Then we started to work on things like making some things feel a lot better in our game. We made the enemies fly towards our siege in the prototype. This was a nice feature but was hardcoded and didn't look good at all. We remade the hole throw feature and now it is done with bezier curve  calculations. this makes the throw a lot more smooth and cooler looking if you throw the enemies from far away.

We also added a mortar strike into the game: this is a fire ball that will land onto your siege. If you see it coming you have to go over to the siege and close the siege for the incoming attack. If you don't do then your siege will take massive damage. But when you close the grinder  of the siege to protect it from the incoming attack you will not be able to add fuel to the siege, so you will try to limit the amount of time the grinder is closed.

We also created a trap where you are stuck in when you run over it. If you stand next to it you can break it so it is gone, but if you walk over it, you are stuck and one of your friends has to save you.

We fixed the camera so this will now properly follow the siege. We also added the test we did in unreal to our unity project. This is that the camera will zoom in or out regarding of where the players are in the viewport. This makes the feel of the game way better,  because it feels like you can change what you see on the screen which makes it feels way more dynamic.

One of the last things we added this week is player respawn. Now the players have 5 shared lives and as long as you have some lives left, you will respawn in a few seconds after dying. You will always spawn around the location of the siege.

The artists also did their work this week!

They started to put al there hard work into the engine and you can immediately see that it paid off! It looks way more professional already.  Next week they will start working on a full level but for know they just made everything work in unity.

As always this week’s build will be linked to this devlog, so we encourage you to download and try it out!

That’s pretty much it for this week’s devlog!

 ~Group 07


  • GoblinWars - Week 5 20 MB
    Mar 27, 2019
Download [Group07] Goblin Wars
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