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v8401 devlog

hm,all pics from discord on the last dev logs blew up,thats unforaunte,better find a more secure image spam site

random settings time but theres no gender in nosolute because it got erased to prevent the 3rd world war from happening 

tl;dr its the good old a dangerous enemy makes people united ™️ agian and its an good old artifically created enemy again

 what better chance to go full terroism while stopping a war it stopped the war,and people became genderless and unable to create offsprings naturally which went exactly how the terrorists want it to be 2 birds in one stone

  1. it was after that incident human became huoman and became very tanky not even a direct missile hit would kill someone
  2. [12:38 PM]and then the terroist group was never heard of again and people eventually forgot about them

  1. >toothache
  2. [5:33 AM]>saltwater rinsing (edited)
  3. [5:33 AM]i love water with salt (edited)

    February 26, 2024

  4. teeth so dont feel so good
  5. [9:30 PM]should aim for easy to consume stuff like noodles

'the moment when the rainbow sakura blooms eternally for that one moment, i shall never regret i shall never step back for that one moment i shall pay any price

>i am becoming with with the edgy character whos gonna say this,2edge7me,i am dying

fixed the camera clamp in options room

  1. fridged the maze of mirror track until the youtube thing is solved
  2. [8:46 AM]how do i write again
  1. >start writing for 3 seconds
  2. [9:08 AM]>instantly browses discord

kinda stuck on how to lead the conversion to idol rulership thingy

interesting woman

  1. dam all the takeout service going mad with 50% discount this week

    March 16, 2024

  2. also more proscrataiton
  1. probably should write a short script to simplfy the emote+sfx
  2. [8:00 AM]remind me to not leave characters afk in the conversations

back from roguelike matharon,where was i writing to agian

  1. get character name and emote,output emote visual and sfx
  2. 04/18/2024 7:03 AM

    keeps wonder if theres abetter way to do it but i think the best thing is to just dump sth out first
  3. [7:05 AM]the most ideal version is something that automatically gets all names in the current dialogue so i only need to input the emote name i want
  4. good thing the twitter app is broken and nothing happens when i click on it
  5.  04/18/2024 7:32 AM

    the urge to tabbing to twitter and procrastinate is strong as usual

whae else do i need to put in this converastion again

expand dong

click likes on youtube and get 2.1 usd? totally feels liek a scam totally gonna try it for fun

  1. hm want to plug in one more dicussion but no right pace for it

  1. welcome to classic programming issues
  2. [9:03 AM]cant read the local variable but the scirpt is in the same space

i think i am done with 1-10,just need to whip up the 1-15 cliffhanger and i  should be done with the demo

  1. was gonna make cci say i dont care oringally but i think this is the better way

the impossible game is afoot

the procrastaition is so bad i am actually considering seing doctors for adhd drugs

  1. should probaly read the mnaul but i tihnk i have some idea how the magic wand works nwo
  2. [9:23 AM]If you tick "Colour only" then alpha value will not be taken into consideration. You can cancel a selection from the Image menu or pressing Escape Icon.
  1. my family looks at my screen for one second and thought i am an artists 
  2. very funny,this is why privacy is cool 
  3. either way i cant focus now if i close the doors the air ventalion in the room becomes negative so icant do that
  4. [9:46 AM]tbh i am better off just shutting the door

gonna call it a day

  1. me:everyone have thier own pace (edited)
  2. [11:30 AM]also me:why is my pace so instable
  1. wdym i should do the demo that is almost done instead of sorting out more music

ahahahahahahah,geunine dev experience esply the text skip past

>steall's magic


>game devs

mygo is so good 

i dont think i will be able to forget it for the rest of my life

corspes too distracting,need nerf

god damn they are runing to havne

export,find fiver man oh brandon is back lets go brando

  1. every time i work i mess up my sleep schudle
  2. [1:18 PM]1pm sleep

second opinionsss

ahaha chaning the trigger zone to increase hp also made the other trigger zones to add hp too

intrestling the hitbox of the player shifts left by 3pixel when A ing

attempt 3 to make th e player  character easier to focus during all the funny bullets and fancy backgrounds

  1. the screw on my glasses poped off and my glasses disband
  2. [12:28 PM]good thing i manged to find it on the ground despite ti being so tiny
  3. [12:28 PM]1pm
  4. [12:28 PM]sleep

  2. [1:23 PM] its a fun trend

  1. lost the glass screw again and dont think i can find it this itme
  2. ordered new glasses thought kinda worried i didnt have enouhg dolla cause i thought it was like 1250 usd or sth turns out it was only like 150 usd
  3. [6:49 PM]i will just stab a toothpick to replace the screw for now
  4. [6:53 PM]also the river and the birds and the trees were nice

add to trello

  1. watching the playtester read my script make me feel
  2. [11:16 AM]hm
  3. [11:16 AM]i already forgot how that felt
  4. [11:16 AM]kinda embrassing but not really that,nevrous?

  1. take 3 i guess the ghost replay did the job
  2. [11:25 AM]1-1 missing flag
  3. [11:30 AM]player hold A enough that somehow managed to kill all the squares instead of sliding under it

  1. downblock appearing out of nowhere
    [11:44 AM]damn the trigger hp bug lasted to the boss stage too
  2. [11:45 AM]no wonder the boss stage only got a 4/10 in diffuclity

the player isnt using slow mo much

  1. its odd thr,when i palyed it i definetly had enough fire power to clear al lwaves
  2. [12:19 PM]maybe a bug?
  3. [12:21 PM]i kind want to add a safety measure of a bkacup gun that appears after 10 deaths
  4. [12:21 PM]if its a bug

player reboot game and spawn seems back to normal

yes i can (copy)

fire demo

  1. gxc: first bug
  2. [7:11 AM]music plays twice in main menu
  3. [7:14 AM]sprite also going upside down
  4. [7:15 AM]VN still lags hard wwwwwwww
  5. [7:16 AM]?

no idea what i am doing as usual

feels liek the global variable casuing the gxc crash

  1. tfw your agme didnt exceed the size limit like last time

dam gotta upload new build to stem again


  1. show_debug_message($"Pre-Baking sprite '{cachename}' with {image_number} frames");
  2. [10:23 AM]also my nose dying

whats wrong moment

  1. fps drop

  2. gonna do manual outline for triangle enemies to save fps

  3. cant control when i sleep but so i will just nap at 3.5 am and now i woke at 9 am

think itch wont let me spam pics here,gotta upload thme all to imgur smh


  • 320 MB
    May 17, 2024
Download A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)
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