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Devlog 28: The Secret Ingredient is Love

Afterlife Gladiator
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Back to regular updates, I hope. Now that all of the main content is finished I'm finally dealing with all the quirks left behind in the process of finishing the last level. 

Chief among them are the intro slides, criminally under-looked considering that these are not only the introduction to the game, but the one story segment most people will see because most people don't finish playing their video games, not even good ones. 

Consistency is the mark of an experienced artist, but I'm not one of them so I ought to update these one last time. Mind you, hypothetical reader, I will only redo the ugliest slides. Any slides that are just regular ugly can stay. 

Another aspect about the game I changed during these last two weeks is the main titles. As suggested by this wonderful person the text does look less jarring with a pixel art style. There's a reason why you should hire a graphical designer for this sort of thing, but that runs contrary to my quest to suffer. 

Next in line: Proofreading. While skill descriptions, names, and other miscellaneous labels remain unchecked, I have gone over all dialogue segments in the game so hopefully my terrible punctuation doesn't give away I'm ESL anymore. Only my poor vocabulary can betray me now.

On a similar note, status effects now have unique names like "Weak" and "Haste" instead of "STR down" and "SPEED up" respectively. Moreover, the combat journal now displays the precise magnitude of the effect taking place. I hope this makes the system more intuitive, especially for the way that speed modifiers stack with one another.

Anyway, that's all I had for today. I thank you for reading, hypothetical person, and I hope you'll give me a piece of your valuable time again next time in two weeks. Farewell.

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