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Patch Notes 4

Produce Prophet
A browser game made in HTML5

Patch Notes 4:

Bug Fixes

    1. Fixed being unable to click on New Facilities for Ultra Processed Foods and Water Rights



    1. Research is now limited. Buy more labs to do more research.

    2. Credit Rating now updates (no gameplay effect at this time).

    3. You can now talk to the Board Members (other interactions to come).

    4. Very basic dialogue infrastructure in place.

    5. You now get a salary. For the time being it's fixed in place at $1,000,000/quarter


Identified issues

    1. Unidentified bug causes game to crash (maybe due to research limits/getting more labs).

    2.  "New Game" and "Restart" don't start a new game.

    3. When looping music weird things happen with the tracks.

    4. Trying to go back a track while looping breaks the music.

    5. Music can cutout unexpectedly (may only be on Web export).

    6. Credit Rating does not update

    7. Taking out more than 1 loan at a time breaks the math (current fix: applied limit of 1 loan)

    8. 1 of 8 Stock Price factors not fully integrated. 

    9. Population and Environmental Health have no gameplay effect.

    10. Board of Director cards don't close unless player clicks the "X" button (should close when you click anywhere else).


  • 47 MB
    Version 3
  • 65 MB
    Version 2
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