0G Grand Prix A-2.1
- updated from godot 3.5 to 4.2
- with the update physics changed, some modifications to speeds, weight, and force amounts
- the walls are now "0" meters thick, making things just a little cleaner. you *should* not be able fly through them still, but if you do please report it in the comments
- messed with internal organization of files, sorted by who will use them: level developers, the developers/under the hood, and levels themselves
- changed lighting, not the ship has a light on it, but the level can also provide ambient lighting on its own
- the timer is now actually centered, rounds to 3 decimals, and stops when you hit escape.
- music is level specific
- Level select, auto updates based on the files in a folder of the game when built. YES this means we will have custom level support when it goes open source!
- texture for the wall, kinda sucks, but it's better than just grey ones
This was a minor update, no major changes to anything gameplay wise.
The next update will hopefully be alpha release with new levels and music