is community of indie game creators and players


Week Four Devlog

A downloadable game for Windows

Fourth Week; Squeezing in Some Juice

This week was spent adding in the bonus things I wasn't sure we would have enough time for. This ended up being things like implementing weapons that the player could use to alter their play style slightly, the opening cutscene narration and art, the ability to upgrade said weapons, and a thank you message that would be added after reaching the boss of the demo.

The opening cutscene was the simplest. I voiced over the script as best I could, though my attempt at a gentle feminine voice was... rough at best... Then I drew the art in just a couple hours, opting for a simple cave-drawing style in an attempt to get the idea of a prophecy across. Implementing it was all done in UI and animation, using animation events to play the music at the intended time and to update the subtitles at the bottom of the screen. Following that it was a simple script to offer players the chance to skip the cutscene if they so pleased; and I certainly wouldn't blame them with my delivery on a few of those opening lines!

The weapons came with a stat system that wasn't terrible to add either, mostly refactoring already hardcoded values to static integers from a stat manager which would be affected by static floats for the bonuses from the weapons. Each weapon had a stats script attached to it, which would update the players stats on equip and subtract the same bonuses on unequip. The upgrade script was similarly simple, bloated as it was, by checking the count of upgrade material stored within the inventory manager's static int count, and comparing it to a separate script attached to the weapon that held it's upgrade cost. Finally, if the count in the inventory was higher than the required amount, the player could upgrade the weapon, and a function on the button would simultaneously change the weapons stats, and update the players stats to reflect the weapons new strength.

Now, it was time for the final details. I added the option to quit the game on the options page; and a boons page that served no function but explained their role in a proper release of the game beyond the vertical slice to the pause menu. Then an animated camera on a dolly track that would circle the boss to show it's scale after it's appearance and the appearance of it's healthbar. And finally, a thank you message that would fade in before closing itself and then the game itself.

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