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v0.4.x changelog archives

Monster Girl Uprising
A downloadable game


Dialogue and Text Changes:

Added a couple missing periods in skill descriptions.

Bugs: My fix for the Minerva outfit thing wasn't properly saved (there was a point where I lost a little work and thought that fix was well before that, but I guess not), and has been fixed. Again.

I had shuffled some stuff around and apparently forgot to change Michael's intro cutscene (it was operating in a way I don't usually do things now so it didn't cross my mind), resulting in Michael having Maia's portrait and Violet being replaced by Evan. It's been fixed.

v0.4.3.1: Bugs: There was a lunatic exclusive bug in chapter 2 where the game would appear to blackscreen, because I forgot to make the weapon changes for lunatic difficulty in that chapter not give a UI prompt. If you're not playing on lunatic, you can safely ignore this version.

v0.4.3: Bugs: The first mission was skipping itself because I'm an idiot and forgot to remove my trigger that I was using for the purpose of updating the screenshots.

v0.4.2: Bugs: Fixed ch. 8 not ending properly if you had cured Minerva in ch. 7. Apparently there's an inconsistency with how the engine handles taking units off of the map and my fix for other difficulty stat changes was making the game think units were still alive when they weren't.

v0.4.1: Map Changes: Made it so that the in-combat background in ch. 8 is static.

Dialogue and Text Changes: Fixed Goddess being mispelled in the Goddess's Smite weapon.

"Mountain" terrain renamed to "Hill" to better reflect its usage.

"Soldier" class renamed to "Spearman" to match Swordsman and Axeman

Misc: Changed the sprite of the Mageslayer class to be distinct from the Swordsman class.

Increased javelin durability to 30 (it seems to have been missed in earlier durability changes)

Bugs: Fixed the outfit change for Minerva not having her new outfit.

Literally just did not update the end of content trigger for chapter 8. I keep that message bypassed for testplay and just missed it...yeah, turning off that particular bypass after this incident lol.

v0.4.0: New Content:

Added chapter 8, which will give the player Minerva if she was not defeated in chapter 7. There are some slight but noticable gameplay differences depending on if the woman was defeated in chapter 7. Yes, it is intended to be a bit of a difficulty spike, take it slowly and think carefully about the problem the chapter presents and you should be fine. Fun fact: current hard is slightly easier than original normal. Current lunatic is harder. A lot harder. You're playing on lunatic, I believe in you. I did have to test to see if it was possible deathless, it is.

Three base events involving Minerva, as well as an "alternate" outfit for her (note: if you do not gain the ability to change to and from the "alternate" outfit, it will automatically be selected when starting the next chapter, and you will not be able to switch outfits until you view the conversation that unlocks that option).

Portrait Changes: Updated Maia's portrait for what should hopefully be the last time. The way her current one was looking (specifically the hair and clothes) was bugging me, so I made a new one. It took quite a bit of effort to get it into a state I was happy with, but now she's in clothes that are much more fitting for her character, and her hair is less...choppy.

Updated the generic soldier's portrait so it's not so big.

Tweaked the cropping on Galiena's portrait so her headband doesn't look so fuzzy.

Non-Balance Unit Changes: Had to redo how Minerva's weapons worked. Due to the interaction between her skill and the no-inventory weapon/item plugin I was using, if you used her skill, her weapons wouldn't count as equipped until you manually equipped them, so if you used the skill without trying to attack something, she wouldn't counterattack until you did. Now she has one weapon that's always in her inventory that changes after she uses her skill. This will be stealth-updated the first time you enter your base if you have Minerva. If your Minerva is already full on items for some reason, you'll have to pick which to send to the convoy.

Balance changes: Increased the bear's stats slightly to compensate for the significantly lower speed and to make it more tanky.

Misc: Made the end-of-content screen take you to base instead of the main menu, on the off-chance someone didn't save and tried to continue. Likely will never actually come up, but hey, it's there I guess.

Moved the trigger for the ch. 7 post-scene dialogue with Minerva being cured so that it only appears after ch. 7 if you cured Minerva. If you did not, it will appear at the end of ch. 8. Likewise, changed the names in the battle dialogue and the memories option for them so as to avoid menu spoilers. This is mostly to prevent people from accidentally giving themselves slight spoilers for the next chapter. Also changed the names for the Amy cured/not cured dialogue split in ch. 5 so as to be a bit more descriptive.

Added a file that lists notable difficulty changes for each chapter. More for if people are curious than anything.

Changed the icon for stat-buff potions.

Changed the graphics for all bows but the longbow, so they are now distinct from each other.

Changed the sound non-hoofed animals make when they walk to the "standard" walking sound as opposed to hooves.

Changed confusion and fox fire's descriptions to be more descriptive.

Made it so the text box explaining character portrait changing doesn't go away after the first view, so people can't miss details and get confused and have no way of re-reading it.

Added character descriptions for Lily and Minerva.

Bugs: Some missing keywords were causing Minerva's weapons to not work after using her skill.

Removed a script that was causing Minerva to crash the game if you opened her menu after looking at an attack target but not going through with the attack.

Increased the price of Healing Potions (they mistakenly were priced the same as herbs).

Fixed the silver lance and axe using the same graphics as the steel ones.

Some of the rough path in ch. 7 was only passable from certain directions for some reason??? I think this is a symptom of me replacing the file containing that texture of the paths overlayed over the grass when I added more for ch. 8, and not a problem in the live game, but either way it's fixed.

I realized in the making of this chapter that difficulty stat changes were not properly being applied to units who enter after the map begins (chapter 2 and 6 enemies, for example). This has been fixed, and now those chapters should have their proper difficulty outside of normal.

I literally just forgot to make stat changes for easy in ch. 7. Uh, whoops.

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