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Log 4 Death

Assembly Line Demo
A downloadable game for Windows

Guten Tag. This update introduces a new way to brutally destroy your favorite robot in the form of deadly glowing  red and yellow spikes, because smashing electronics is one of the best ways to relieve stress. These spikes are scattered across the map at various points and are to be avoided if you wish to keep your circuitry on the inside. If CabL3 touches a spike they will explode but rest assured no robots were harmed during the filming of the above footage... much, robots don't feel pain right?  There are no lives or health in this game but dying will set you back to the last check point you  crossed, however far back that may be.

You may have noticed some slight visual differences since the last log, various minor visual enhancements have been included, mainly relating to post processing effects and lighting. Also included is a basic main menu which allows players to actually start playing the game.


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