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ATE Frequently Asked Questions

After The End
A browser interactive novel made in HTML5

Hello everyone!

These are the Frequently Asked Questions I had previously posted on Tumblr! This will be updated when necessary 😊

Current Version Post Date: Dec. 20, 2023

Can I romance Helene?

As of my current plans for ATE, I’ll say no. If I ever do get around to making a Helene route, it would be after I’ve finished everything I had initially wanted to do with ATE (like making a v-poly route).

Note: A Helene route would most likely be set in an alternate universe because Helene’s motivations in main ATE are not compatible with her eventually forming a romantic relationship with MC.

Can I romance Ædan?

Same as with the Helene route, minus the note because it’s more plausible to have an Ædan route in the main ATE universe.

Can I still romance Cyfrin if I choose the Capital MC route or Ædric if I choose the Countryside MC route?

Unfortunately, no. As I said in a previous ask (link), Ædric is needed at the capital while Cyfrin is needed at the duchy so they won’t have time to travel back and forth between the two locations throughout the story. MC will also be unable to travel back and forth because they will be too busy to do so.

Are the ROs gender selectable?

No, both Ædric and Cyfrin are set as male.

What are the main character customization options?

  • Gender (nonbinary, female, or male)
  • Titles (Laird/Lady/Lord, Princeps/Princess/Prince, and Sovereign/Queen/King)
  • Pronouns (with option to input custom pronouns)
  • Hair color (white included)
  • Hair texture
  • Hair length
  • Hairstyle
  • Eye color (gold included*)
  • Eye shape
  • Complexion
  • Height

*It will be possible to choose traits to have physical similarities with Helene; however, Helene will always look brighter than and outshine MC’s appearance

How is Ædan and Ædric’s relationship with each other?

The basic gist: link

How Ædan and Ædric were like when they were smol: link

How is Ædan’s relationship with the rest of his stepfamily?

How Ædan feels about his half-siblings: link

How the younger half-siblings (Ræ, Mælianna, and Særina) feel about Ædan: link

The root of Ædan’s indifference to his half-siblings: link

Ædan’s feelings towards the happy Royal Family: link

If Ædric is better than Ædan, why didn’t the king grant Ædric the title of Crown Prince from the start?

Answered here: link

Any lore about the magic in the world of ATE?

Right here: link & link

Helene’s healing magic: link & link

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