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Last Human Ep4 (Devlog 5)

Last Human
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

Hello everyone! Yep, this devlog is late. I wanted to post it on Friday as usual, but I got sick and spent most of the weekend down. I kept up with Discord on my phone from my bed. But the good news is that in the wake of my shitty weekend, I did finish writing episode 4! And I'm very happy with it. Now it's on to graphics. Of course, this will take a while too. I have a few new scenes to build. But it won't be too bad as I've managed to find some great assets and scenery to import and use. Thanks to Fouetty for all his mod work! I will have some great looking scenes that will work very well with what I've written for this episode.

I guess now is a good time to give you a sense of what to expect from episode 4. This one could be called "the sex episode" because it has quite a lot of it actually. What's funny is that I didn't intend for it to be that way. But during writing, I saw opportunities and took advantage of them. This is a porn VN after all. So why not? Also, I wanted to have some fun stuff before episode 5 and 6 where we'll run into Acladean rebels again. This time they'll be much stronger than that first encounter. But let's not get too far ahead.

Episode 4 is focused on Dezzy, Kalina, and the mystery of the Teldarians who once lived on Teldarr. There is a lot of fun stuff this episode is setting us up for, so if it feels like a lot happening... it's because there is.

Finally, I also reworked the menu animation and also added the N2TheFire Games logo video at the beginning. Look at me, all growing up and stuff! LOL... Anyway, I am hoping the new additions won't be too hard on android users. I kept the videos in my normal format so they should still play on android devices just fine. On my test build locally on my PC, it is flawless and smooth.

That's all I have for now my friends. I probably won't post devlog 6 until Friday of next week, but I may have some special posts for patrons between now and then. So stay tuned! Love you all, ...Fire

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