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Chapter 5: An eventful summer and Chapter 6: A bitter meal are out!

(Do not use old save, it won't be compatible with the new coding).

This took much more longer than I wanted to, but here we are, two chapters in one! It's finally time for character development (even if it has started since the first chapter), for some frustration with one or two characters, and for the start of the romantic routes.

When I say the start of the romantic routes, I mean that if you haven't got any love points with a boy, it is highly possible you might not be able to discover events, or on the contrary, that you'll unlock new dialogue or events. It is also possible that some earlier choices that may have appeared meaningless at first, will change one or two things, and help you discover more about side characters.

I will warn you that it's also the chapters that mention and show some heavy theme, such as: (pass away if you wish to avoid possible spoilers)

blood, bullying, panic attack, animal abuse, nightmares, etc...

Next chapter will be much faster to arrive, and will focus on a school event that is, to say the least, important in many anime series.

As always, thank you for your interest ans I hope you'll enjoy the continuation of the adventures of Ash and Imri!


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