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NeW UpDaTe INcoMinG!!

PXLToolkit (PxlTk)
A downloadable tool for Windows and macOS

Hey guys I'm just gonna gatekeep this new update for a bit 

--JK just working out a few kinks--

this new update features a new and improved Ui llayout as well as new features such as...

editing nineslice rules for nineslice objects!

double click topbar for theme color change!

isometric grid!

fixed null text glitch!


the app is moving away from more heavy and regular pixel art tools such as drawing fill erase, these are preliminary and not exactly where we wish to extend our features, we wish for drawings to happen more in apps like Krita etc. whereas here you may use blocks provided to create really cool stuff!

before I release this in a couple of weeks I'd like to get feedback on what you wish to see so I can see if I can squeeze it into the next update!

Download PXLToolkit (PxlTk)
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