is community of indie game creators and players


Log 0: Initial Concept

Rooftop Garden (In Progress)
A downloadable project

Howdy folks!

I'm starting a dev log to show my process of working on another solo game jam project. This project will be a part of the BiG Byte Jam 2024.

Game description:

A 2.5D resource management game about directing energy of yourself and others into building up a community rooftop farm and farmstand. Focus on running a farmstand and advocating in the community for growth and increased vibrancy

Growth = how many people are in your community This correlates to increased  sales and how many people you can reach with advocacy. You cannot not sell more without community growth

Vibrancy = the look and feel of a neighborhood, the visuals of your environment become better and more beautiful as this increases. You influence this by introducing plants to the community spaces and making donations. Gives players something to customize the space with (Akin to the community center from Stardew Valley)

So far the main actions involve tending to the farm, working the farmstand, and donating to the community. Hoping to follow up with a more detailed design in the next dev log. For now enjoy the inspiration board:

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