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UPDATE 6/5/2024!

Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hi guys! I'm back! I hope I didn't make you wait for too long, the dengue fever was a nasty experience and I'm very glad it's all over now! >_< and I actually forgot to post the emergency update continuation into the Indiegogo page D: please forgive me *bows*

*Small warning that there might be too much info on dengue fever & my experience about it, I just write to those who are curious or want full info on what I've went through, if you don't want to read it, please skip~*

I hope all of you are healthy, it was hell in the hospital; I couldn't eat much due to the nausea but I kept wanting to go to the toilet (they were pumping 2 IVs into me, because there is no medicine for dengue fever except our own immune system so the hospital is making sure I'm hydrated), but since I was on bedrest and the doc didn't allow me to get up from the bed, I had to use the chamber pot 😂 it was embarassing that I had to call the nurse every 2 hours to pee--and what's worse, my period came the next day! There were a lot more bleeding than usual because my trombosit count was still very low back then, so yeah, I had my own Red Sea for almost a week lol

Still, I recovered quite fast since I didn't throw up. I tried my best to keep eating even if I didn't want to and it paid off!

*explanation ends here*

The doc released me last Thursday but my liver was still swollen due to the aftereffects from the dengue fever so I went for another checkup today, and the good news is I'm almost all recovered now!

Another good news is since I felt well enough last week, I tried to do some work on Bermuda and I think I made some good progress!

I'm now at Script 7 line 17.5k! I'm very happy with the result and I can also get back to work tomorrow! 

The lesson I learned from this is to keep an eye out for mosquitos and DRINK MORE WATER 😂 even more so in this hot weather. Have you seen the news? The world globe is all red/orange now due to the heat! I think we've reached record temperature or something--please take care and drink more water, and no, coffee/tea/milk tea doesn't count, it'll get you diabetes instead!

Alright, I'll stop nagging now x'D Jokes aside, I'm grateful to all of you who have been concerned & patiently waited for my recovery <3 thanks, really. It's at this time that I feel like a really lucky person :'3

I'm getting shy now so that's it for now and see you again next week! If you have any questions, type away in the comments section and I'll reply ASAP!  I hope all of you are healthy and happy no matter where you are -^.^)/ xoxo,



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