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Direct Download Decryption for DMM Now Live!

A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

Thankfully, due to the generous contributions from our community members we have a fully working and tested solution: The complete decryption of downloaded 1080p and 4K content! Now users can decrypt their libraries locally, without the need for streaming, dealing with bad connections, or using proprietary video players. Simply go to your paid library, download your videos, decrypt it, and view it wherever you want. Similar to R18, we can't predict how long the current situation will persist, so to safeguard your collections, I strongly urge everyone to back up their paid content before this opportunity disappears.

As always, if direct decryption of downloaded content, updated English subtitles, preservation of your own data, or the direction of this project is important to you, kindly consider supporting me on Patreon! Patreon users get access to our private Discord community (Fully uncensored), the latest news, Patreon exclusive software features, and much more! (See "README.txt" for more details).

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