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General Development Update

A downloadable Kaedama

Hey there buddies,

Firstly, let me thank everyone who has tried Kaedama out and given me a ton of good feedback so far. I appreciate all criticism and take it all into consideration. The most common feedback I've gotten on various different sites and on the Discord can be narrowed down to three common complaints.

  • The input system is confusing.
    This is the complaint I've heard the most. I've already started remaking the tutorial to elaborate on how the system works, how your responses will impact a Love Interest's affection and I'll make it more clear what types of inputs will work in any situation.

  • I'd like a guide/walkthrough or a way to see which answers increase affection.
    I am sorry to announce there is not going to be an easy walkthrough to rush through Kaedama. The game is heavily dependent on a player being able to interpret body language, read between the lines and guess what a character might like to hear, just like in real life. So there is not going to be a clear "Character's affection increased by 1 point" screen. It's worth noting that you are not going to be locked out of a route for saying the wrong thing once either, they're very forgiving characters, so respond as you'd respond in real life.

  • Inputs I put in give the wrong response or are not recognized.
    I'm going to redo the entire system and recognized prompts to expand the list and make sure characters aren't reacting wrong. 


These three points will be my main focus for the time being and I hope to send out a hotfix as soon as possible.

Lastly, if you have any other feedback or tips, you can always reach me on Discord(I also regularly share screenshots of upcoming scenes on there) or you can DM me on here. Also, I've made a survey for anyone else that's interested in helping out.


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